Sunday, 25 November 2012

Humpback Whale

Wednesday 8 September 2010
Why I Love My Job

Whale watching today off Cape Cod. We saw around twenty five Humpbacks, and one of them gave us a masterclass in breaching, leaping out of the water around fifteen times, very close to our boat. it was a juvenile, weighing around twenty tons. Quite a sight!
I've been on many a whale watch and I never tire or get blasé, but today was truly extraordinary.
I wasn't sure whether to post this pic or one of the whale's fluke, but as this is the first time I've managed to photograph a whale breaching, it won the day.
I took around three hundred pics, which include bits of whale, splashes where the whale had been a second earlier and one of an empty sky. Don't ask me how I managed that.
More pics here:    Humpback Whales